Sylt Open was played 16/03/2019 in Sylt, Germany with 175 men, 35 women, 38 boys and 6 girls. Sylt Classic was played 17/03/2019 in Sylt, Germany with 134 men, 31 women, 31 boys and 7 girls. WDF Tables updated with these results 02/04/2019.
WDF World Cup 07-12 October 2019 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Gibraltar Open was played 16/03/2019 in Gibraltar with 129 men, 20 women and 10 open youth. WDF Tables updated with these results 24/03/2019.
West Fries Open was played 17/03/2019 in Sportcentrum Hoorn, Netherlands with 33 boys and 6 girls. WDF Tables updated with these results 24/03/2019.
Dyenamics Dart Uniform Youth West Coast Classic was played 16/03/2019 in Cloverdale WA, Australia with 8 boys and 8 girls. WDF Tables updated with these results 24/03/2019.
Greater Vancouver Open was played 15-17/03/2019 in Richmond, BC, Canada with 132 men and 59 women. WDF Tables updated with these results 24/03/2019.