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WDF Ranking & Tournaments

Romania International Darts Open Results

Nearly 200 participants from 14 countries in Europe have participated to the secomd edition of the Romanian International Darts Open 2011. They competed for points both WDF and BDO but also for a total of  7500 euros in prices. The event was hosted by Rin Grand Hotel 4 **** – Bucharest and

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2011 Klondike Open Results

Mens Results Country Womens Results Country 1. Rick Arnott Canada 1. Cindy Pardy Canada 2. Scott Lee Canada 2. Crystal Brazil Canada 3. Norm Tremblay Canada 3. Sandra Milne Canada 3. Don Penney Canada 3. Roxanne Vantassel Canada 5. Dion Laviolette Canada 5. Darlene Howarth Canada 5. Keith Way Canada

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Huffman & Bromberg win Austin Halloween Open

Mens Results Country Womens Results Country 1. Joseph Huffman USA 1. Stacy Bromberg USA 2. Tom Sawyer USA 2. Cali West USA 3. Ed Labarbera USA 3. Bette Cunningham USA 3. Joey Watts USA 3. Robin Curry Canada 5. Donny Joe USA 5. Janie Ramos USA 5. Scott Wollaston USA

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2’nd Rhinoceros Darts Open’11 – Bulgaria

Mens Results Ladies Results 1. Milan Stankovic Serbia 1. Biliana Marinova Bulgaria 2. Aleksandar Boric Serbia 2. Ekaterina Guleva Bulgaria 3. Miroslav Petrov Bulgaria 3. Gergana Bencheva Bulgaria 3. Nandor Bezzeg Hungary 3. Lilia Dimitrova Bulgaria 5. Veselin Stoianov Bulgaria 5. Teodora Diankova Bulgaria 5. Kiril Savov Bulgaria 5. Elena

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Results from the French Open XXIV

Mens Results Country Womens Results Country 1. Alan Norris England 1. Irina Armstrong Russia 2. Garry Thompson England 2. Anita Tobias Luxemburg 3. Geert De Vos Belgium 3. Kimberly Bogemans Belgium 3. Dennis Te Kloese Netherland 3. Kathy Geeraerts Belgium 5. Matthieu Leclercq France 5. Sandrine Valverde France 5. Danny

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Baltic Cup 2011 Results

Mens Results Country   Womens Results Country 1. Arunas Ciplys Lithuania   1. Avelina Lace Latvia 2. Madars Razma Latvia   2. Sarmite Lavrentjeva Latvia 3. Guntars Stipins Latvia   3. Anda Seimane Latvia 3. Meelis Aule Estonia   3. Renata Vaikutiene Lithuania 5. Ilgvars Lacis Latvia   5. Ieva

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